Friday, August 29, 2008

Why Obama makes economic sense

For too long Republican's have shoveled a load of misunderstandings about education, energy, and health care into the public area. Most of it was put forth by their corporate owners: right wing fringe groups, oil companies and insurance and pharmaceutical companies.

They are wrong. Here's why:

While we pay taxes to fund public education, the money spent is also a national investment. Many of the greatest victories of the United States since W.W.II have resulted from education. We buried the Soviet Union because of our wealth, and our wealth came from a strong, educated productive work force. We put a man on the moon. We developed the computer industry.

From the G.I. Bill to strong state colleges to quality high schools and the elementary and middle schools that feed them, good education builds a strong economy, and a strong economy builds a strong country.

The same is true of energy. The result of our addiction to oil is plain to see: Years of war in Iraq, fuel approaching $5 a gallon and soon inflation because of the cost of trucking food to our tables and shipping T-shirts from China.

Drilling for the few barrels left near our own shores does not break the addiction. We need more electricity and we need it now and it has to come from wind and solar. Instead of giving tax breaks to promising innovation, the nation is giving billions to the wealthiest corporations on the planet, the oil companies. We feed the addiction that way, when we need to break the habit.

Health care is broken in the U.S. It is soaking up too much of our income. Sending the sick to emergency rooms loads up that system, and it is a terribly expensive way to provide health care. We need to focus on keeping people healthy, not making them sicker before we let them get better.

We need change in this country not only from the last eight years. We need a change of thinking about how we invest in America. The sacrifice won’t be easy, and the payoff a generation away, but this is what we need to do for our children.

Monday, August 25, 2008

McCain is the new Bush

John McCain is too old. He can't use email. And he is not very smart. He can't say hello to a crowd without 3 x 5 cards.

Aside from being shot down as a Navy pilot, and surviving, and marrying rich after cheating on his first wife, he has not done much. He wears that Navy hat everywhere, it goes on just after he brushes his teeth in the morning, just to remind you that decades ago he was a prisoner of war.

Was being captured really that heroic? John Kerry was four times the hero John McCain ever was.

The hat should also remind you his father was an admiral in charge of the Pacific at the time and that may have been part of the reason McCain got into Annapolis and why the North Vietnamese didn't just kill him.

McCain has spent a large portion of his life trying to be as good as his father. Just like Bush. And we know where that got us. He can't be as good because he doesn't deserve it. Never did and never will. But he will always try to seem tough. If he was really tough he would have become a Marine. Trying to seem tough is why Bush got us into Iraq.

John McCain doesn't know what it is like to buy a gallon of milk or a loaf of bread. He is so rich he doesn't know how many houses he has. You think he can relate to you guys working in the auto parts store, managing the Safeway, driving truck? He doesn't really even like you. He just wants you to be afraid so he can use you to seize power. He is a tool of the Bush Cheney machine. He wants to make a tool out of you.

McCain believes in tax cuts for the rich because he is rich. He believes in drilling for oil off the U.S. coast because he is supported by companies that want to maintain our addiction to oil. They are giving your money to oil companies and big insurance companies and drug companies, some of which aren't even American, in exchange for campaign contributions and Republican trips to Scotland.

The Bush administration did not create jobs. McCain is just like them. The Bush administration saw wages fall. McCain is just like them. The Bush administration allowed lead-tainted toys to poison our children, allowed credit card companies to charge 25% interest, and allowed handsomely paid bankers to create havoc in our economy. McCain is just like them. Under the Republicans, not only did government not protects us, it turned against us.

Are you better off now than when Bush took office? Blame Bush/Cheney. John McCain is just like them.