Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Republicans out to destroy hope

It is outrageous that Republicans are willing to harm the country for political gain.

"Republican aides said they would seize on every instance of potential abuse as a way of stirring public doubt about the bill." (Read full story here).

One of the major challenges facing the country is a loss of confidence. It deeply affects markets, and behavior of our citizens, of consumers. And yet, Republicans are willing to do whatever they can to further destroy confidence in efforts to jump start the economy.

"Fearing fear itself." We have a two party system. Challenges to the status quo are good, debate is good.

But voters repudiated cheap shots designed only to destroy, rejected right wing return to the politics of fear. Republicans now praying that the country and its citizens become worse off so they can claim "I told you so," and do better in the next election should think about the risks more clearly.

It is possible that every one of those who tried to destroy, instead of come together and build, will lose their pulpit. Let's start with Rep. Eric Cantor of Virginia, and Michael Steele, the Republican national chairman. These gentlemen deserve some close attention.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

The Republican Party is actually led by Rush Limbaugh, who is so rich he's insulated from the effects of Great Depression II and he's never given shit about anybody besides himself anyway.

With some honorable exceptions, the Republican party has become a collection of fucksticks and religious whack-jobs who would just as soon see the country go down in flames. Hey, maybe it'll hasten the rapture!

Too bad the Democrats are in the hands of nobs like Nancy Pelosi and Harry Reid, two of the dimmest bulbs in public life.

There are some responsible adults working these massive problems, but their work is ultimately in the hands of petulant, stupid and wanton children.