Thursday, October 4, 2012

Time is plastic

Quantum Mechanics asserts that a "particle" can be in two states at the same time, that it assumes one state only when observed. Two "entangled" particles communicate instantly their respective states if one is observed no matter the distance between them. A "particle" may be in two "places" at the same time, its position essentially a "wave" of probability. 

Each requires the assumption that "time" is absolute.

What happens if time itself is indeterminate, flexible, malleable on a quantum scale? What happens to our ideas of particles? What happens to our miles per hour, feet per second, angstrom per attosecond if the denominator, the number below the slash, the devisor, is not fixed, if it can't be fixed, if it may be unknowable at all beyond a vague assumption? If it changes?

If our universe is of space-time and the cone of light speed defines causality, what happens to us if the speed of light is no longer absolute not because the distance covered is greater or less, but because the time it takes is constantly changing?

Everything happens at once.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Quantum physics thus reveals a basic oneness of the universe.

If there is oneness, what is the distinction between now and then, where and when, what and why. If there is a line, does it wave and how would we know if it did?

Time and oneness cannot co-exist. When time bends, it is not because it is plastic. When time bends and curves, it is the distortion of what is and what is not.

How can I say what my mind cannot? Time exists but does not exist. Time is not a tyranny. Time comforts the finite mind which cannot perceive the infinite but nonetheless knows of eternity, struggles for it, yearns for it and in the depth of the night, fears of it. Beyond the flimsy components of flesh and bone, infinity lies. Time is the doorway between.

In relativity, movement is continuous, causally determinate and well defined, while in quantum mechanics it is discontinuous, not causally determinate and not well defined. David Bohm

Beyond the threshold, there be dragons.