Friday, August 10, 2007

Tougher times

The financial news is bleak at 5 a.m. this morning (read it here). Two to three percent drops in stock markets yesterday, it might be worse today. Central banks scrambling to squirt liquidity like grease into a system seizing up with fear. The man who wanted to buy our beach lot, he withdrew his offer. It would have solved the last issue in a divorce still high-centered on the rock of assets versus income.

Times are getting tougher, and they ain’t at their toughest yet.

It is always those closest to the edge who get sandpapered first. Carpenters, plumbers, waiters and waitresses, cooks and busboys. I don’t think this beast is going to be content gobbling a few small fry, though. This one feels like it’s hungry, the stock market bubble “correction” not enough.

This one is spreading like ebola around the world’s financial markets. It feels like it wants more than a few bond traders and househusbands who thought they could “flip” three houses like a pro and why worry. This one feels not so much of a market correction but more of a market driven comeuppance, punishment for our excesses.

Interesting times.

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