Friday, September 26, 2008

Republicans play politics with economy

The photo op for John McCain at the White House took us closer to financial meltdown yesterday.

The Republicans blew up negotiations over the bailout. But they got a photo of McCain sitting at the table. Reports say he was silent for much of it. Perhaps he wanted a nap. Perhaps he didn't have any good ideas. Afterword, he said he knew walking in there was no deal.

McCain did much to remove oversight from the banks and Freddie and Fannie that led to the crisis. His top staff member, Rick Davis, was paid $15,000 a month by Freddie so they could influence McCain. Much of McCain's team came from Bush.

So he was part of the problems, and yesterday he took part in a game to seem like they were doing something, to get his photo taken pretending to do something.

It's 7 a.m. on the West Coast as I write this. By noon today we will know a lot more about just how serious this all is, and we will know a lot more about how McCain would rather play politics than find solutions.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Just like your boy, Obama, you lack any credibility. You complain loudly, and often, about a man who's campaign you donated significantly to a few years ago. Go figure.