Sunday, October 12, 2008

McPalin make-believe

“I think there have been quite a few reporters recently,” said Mr. McCain’s closest adviser, Mark Salter, “who have sort of implied, or made more than implications, that somehow we’re responsible for the occasional nut who shows up and yells something about Barack Obama.” (Read it here)

After weeks of lies that Obama is "pallin' around with terrorists," after weeks of McPalin saying "it's time Obama told the truth about his relationship with terrorists" (Obama was 8 years old at the time), Salter is now saying McPalin aren't responsible for the hatred they have encouraged? That it's the fault of "reporters?"

What amazing dishonesty. It's on tape, Mr. Salter. Like Palin herself saying yesterday that the Alaska inquiry found she had done nothing illegal or unethical in firing a department head who wouldn't fire her ex-brother-in-law. True, there was nothing illegal. Governors have the right to fire people for any reason they like.

The inquiry did find the ethics questionable. Palin wouldn't recognize that, though, because she has no ethical compass to go by. Taking a man's job because he wouldn't carry out a personal vendetta is unethical in our book, an abuse of power and trust, but she plays by different rules, and always has.

McPalin has no substance at their core. They are mean, angry people. They do mean and angry things. They do little else, and it doesn't matter if they do it with a pretty smile (her) or a weird one (him). Where is their plan? Not their slogans, (it is laughable for McPalin to claim they are the ticket of change) which are lies, but their plan?

They don't have a plan, they have only a strategy, and that is to ask over and over again questions that have already been answered. That is not "Country First." That is "Win no matter what damage we do."

Americans are going to be able to work ourselves out of this crisis if we have the leadership of Obama in the White House. Americans are going to reassert our values if we can restrain the greed that McCain advocated in his Senate career. America will be strong when we are again building our own economy instead of Iraq's, our own roads and our own schools and alternative energy and efficient cars.

We are a great country and Obama will help us remember how to achieve our best.

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