Monday, November 10, 2008

America works

It's a wonderful thing.

We Americans have voted for a black man, repudiated the divisive fear used by the right-wing (read it here) to seize and maintain power for the last decade, and shown the world that revolution can be made in peace.

Sarah Palin and the ignorance she represents is still a threat to our children. The left, with its hubris that the laws of economics can be suspended for all the right reasons, is still a threat to our children.

But for now the right wing of Bill O'Reilly and Rush and Lars and the xenophobes and jingoists and the hatemongers are banished, after damaging our economy and the country and destroying many lives. In its greed it finally ate its own heart. It will be back, because anger never dies, and it will exploit, because the thirst for power is never sated.

But for now, the greatness that is America has again confounded the world. The "market place of ideas" that Jefferson championed has triumphed. Change has come.

There will be mistakes and missteps and false starts. But for those of us who felt that America had misplaced its values, this is a great day.


Anonymous said...

Don't follow leaders. Watch your parking meters.

You don't need a Weatherman to tell which way the wind blows.

Anonymous said...

America Works

Right...when things go the way YOU want them to.

Eye on Oregon said...

Quit your whining. For eight years, your boys had the White House, and for half of that the Congress. They did so much damage it will take two generations to recover. I didn't want them, and didn't want that. Finally the people rose up and overthrew the government, just the way the founding fathers intended. America works.