"What do you say… let's privatize Social Security and make grandmothers trust their retirement to Goldman Sachs?"
"Good one! How about this? Lets buy into the insurance industry. Then we get rid of Medicare. We give them tax money so they can buy insurance – only if they want to! – … then deregulate the insurance industry so the money comes back to us!"
"Good! Good! It worked when we did it for the drug industry! Why not?!"
"Hey! You know how bank deregulation and Goldman Sachs ruined the economy? Those poor idiots have no memory, and they're stupid … let's blame everything on too much government and get them to vote AGAINST programs that benefit them! We get richer and they get less opportunity!"
"Hahaha! Hey: The economy needs money to get going again… Let's cut money OUT of the economy! A little recession is good for them, it will help them fix their values!"
"Whoooeee. Class warfare and we are winning! And while we are at it, let's increase the gap between rich and poor… rich guys can buy three Cadillacs because auto workers will be making even less. Public schools will suck, but our kids go to private schools. So who cares?"
"I like it, I like it. It's win/win: Somebody's got to pump our gas! Let's drill in their back yard, too and get rid of laws that protect their water– we drink Perrier!"
"Oh, oh that's good. That's really good. But how about this, how about this … let's cut taxes on the rich! Let's cut our own taxes!"
"Taxes? I don't' pay taxes. Do you pay taxes?"
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